La primera vez que viajamos a Guatemala quedamos profundamente impresionados por todo lo que la ciudad ofrece a sus visitantes; por eso, quisimos regresar.
La ciudad es grande y llena de lugares fascinantes para visitar. Nos encantó recorrer su museo, y el arte que alberga es verdaderamente inspirador. Además, visitamos sitios donde pudimos apreciar su artesanía. Nos sorprendió la belleza de sus bordados y la gran similitud que tiene con los textiles mexicanos, sobre todo, de los del estado de Chiapas, tal vez, la cercanía geográfica se la razón de tal semejanza.
Su comida es deliciosa; visitamos varios restaurantes y, en cada uno de ellos, notamos la calidez de su gente: siempre amables, educados y serviciales. Toda la belleza que envuelve a la ciudad merece ser conocida, incluyendo la gran cantidad de iglesias que se encuentran allí, cada una con una historia y arquitectura imponentes. El clima es muy agradable y la atmósfera tranquila.
Guatemala es una ciudad cómoda y especial, enriquecida por su historia, cultura y, sobre todo, por su gente.

The first time we traveled to Guatemala, we were deeply impressed by everything the city has to offer to its visitors; that’s why we wanted to return.
The city is large and full of fascinating places to visit. We loved exploring its museum, and the art it houses is truly inspiring. We also visited places where we could appreciate their craftsmanship. We were amazed by the beauty of the embroidery and the striking similarity it has with Mexican textiles, especially those from the state of Chiapas; perhaps the geographical proximity is the reason for such resemblance.
The food is delicious; we visited several restaurants, and in each one, we noticed the warmth of the people: always kind, polite, and helpful. All the beauty that surrounds the city deserves to be experienced, including the numerous churches that can be found there, each with its own history and impressive architecture. The climate is very pleasant, and the atmosphere is relaxing. Guatemala is a relaxed and special city, enriched by its history, culture, and, above all, by its people.